Thursday, June 02, 2005


I don't understand. Why did Makosi nominate Mary? When she said she loves her1? If she wants Craig and Vanessa seperated, then she should've nominated them both dur.
Not that I like Mary, she is a manipulative self-obsessed arrogant witch. All that posing around looking goth with her hair over her face, yuck.

I do think getting Makosi to nom people was an excellent move, tho. It's really messing with their minds, trying to work out who nominated whom, heh. In case you feel the need to vote:
  • to evict Craig: call 09016 16 16 02
  • to evict Mary: call 09016 16 16 07

Wot no txt vote?

1. have I ever mentioned how much I hate it when people on reality tv shows say they all love each other after knowing each other for 5 minutes?

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