Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bad BB

The divide in the house is pretty bad ATM. On the one side we have the Likely Lads. Maxwell, Saskia, Anthony and Craig. Smacks of some stupid Fraternity, Craig is their lackey. Their joker. Roll over and let me put my feet on your Craig. And the fool complies.
The other side are the misfits. The cosmopolitan freedom fighters. Battling against opposition. Kemal, Diva Gay and sensitive, Makosi their chosen leader, lively and wicked, Vanessa portable mattress, Derek, square peg in a round hole, Science man for himself (but very thoughtful underneath.
The 'racist' comments being thrown across the divide are pretty atrocious and wouldn't be aloud on any other TV programme
Saskia "People like you have a chip on their shoulder" to Makosi
Now enter the gardeners. Kinga was ditched (thankfully) and we have the nerdy, sweet Eugene. Eugene has the potential to replace Craig as the team joker or be welcomed to the misfit pack. He's teetering. But The blonde blue eyed Irish Lass Orlaith... Now they WANT her really bad on the Frat team. They will fight for her till the death. Queen Saskia must feel threatened. Note Craigs arm around her when the new people entered and Max was showing Orlaith his pleasant side. He was saying 'Don't worry Saskia, you're still our favourite' Then said rather tellingly 'I'm not hurting you, not squeezing you too tight saskia' Allowed to enter her personal space for once, allowed in the 'inner' circle but worried he'd ruin it by being over zealous.
Compulsive viewing but almost painful. Not something I want to kids to watch. Not role models, hope it all comes right in the end and decency prevails.

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