Sunday, September 17, 2006

Maria over bring on the next one

Connie (good Maria) won HDYSAPL Maria. Hurrah. Siobhan (bad Maria) came third ha ha ha. Helena (bottom two Maria) came second unbelievable! I liked the names they gave all the Marias, I don't know why Connie was 'intense Maria' apart from the fact she was scary and intense! My Siobhan torment isn't over though as a 'major record company' want to talk to her about a 'major record contract'. Life is not fair.

Reality news! (apparently)

Pete has dumped Nikki apparently.

IACGMOOH is struggling for celebs apparently. Rachel Stevens (S club) and Gemma Atkinson (hollyoaks apparently?!?!) rumoured.

Lisa Mail! Abigail is still in Britain's Next Top Model. If she doesn't turn up on IACGMOOH or Celeb BB or something I will be surprised or she'll bring out a single or something. Am I the only one who goes all 'awwww' when they show the pic at the end and one fades away... it's sad like when they turn the lights out at the end of BB... anyway no talking about BNTM as I don't get to see it until days after everyone else. Only two programmes left. Lianna, Abigail, Jasmia or Amber? I do not know!

The Match! On sky three on a Friday for all us freeview losers. Mikey BB didn't make it through first round. HA HA!

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