Friday, September 30, 2005

Congratulations Nina

Senior holiday rep don't you know. That's what she was fake offered at the end of 'Trust me I'm a holiday rep' Do they allow reps of Nina and Sid Littles age as all the proper ones in the programme were slightly younger than them... Sid was offered a rep job that they seem to have made up for him involving no paperwork and Jordan Knight got 'fake in charge of kiddies' rep, seemingly based of his ability to dance to Justin Timberlake and only once kicking a child by mistake whilst dancing to Justin Timberlake. The others got you're fired of different degrees (as in if only you hadn't lap danced the customers/smoked all day you would have been fake hired).


clarrie said...

bah my digi-box went all weird so I missed the last half hour BOOOO!

Trinity said...

you can watch what ever you like when you come here. me promises